Saturday, October 4, 2008

Today at Sealdah, there were hundreds of people in drumming circles to start off the Durga Puja rituals. It was pretty neat. Not surprisingly, there weren't very many kids there.
I found out today that CRAWL plans to send the school kids through university. The kids only attend CRAWL until they're 15, and then they have three more years of high school before they'd be ready to go to university, but I guess if they stay in school, then CRAWL has a plan to finance their university education. I don't know how much university costs here, but I was really happy to hear that. It really does provide upward mobility for the kids.
Two new volunteers arrived from Canada last night (early this morning). They're names are Debbie and Robin and they're in their late 40s. They're both fun, energetic people. They're only here for two weeks, but it will be fun.
At school today, we made dolls out of tongue depressors (or whatever they're called). We cut out cloth for their clothes and gave them pipe-cleaner arms and drew their faces on with marker. The kids really liked it. They all made at least two. I don't know if they will do this, but now at least they have little dolls to play with at home if they want to.
The girls were all over me today. They drew designs on my hands and arms. I was gonna play soccer with a bunch of the kids after school, but Bobby told me I couldn't go because the men play rough and they'd probably all try to hit on me too. So much for that. I will play sometime though, maybe when the field isn't in use.


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