Friday, October 3, 2008

I've decided to only write when I actually have something to say. So when I have a day where school is normal, I take a nap, eat lunch, read, and do or don't have computer class but either way its not exciting, I'm not gonna post it on here. That doesn't make for very interesting reading material anyway. I keep wondering if there are things I should describe. Like, should I devote a post to describing the trains? I guess I don't know what's interesting to folks...

Anyway, we had a birthday/Durga Puja/Jen's last day party at school today. It was three kids' birthday: Joy, Arati and Dharmendra. We had birthday cake and Bengali sweets and crackers. All three of the birthday-people got a new outfit from CRAWL. And we handed out little packets of presents to everyone for Durga Puja (also from CRAWL) The packets had things like bubbles, balls, nail polish, head bands and stickers. Jen also gave the little kids (the group she works with, teaching the alphabet and stuff) coloring books and pens. It was pretty fun. I was kind of beat boxing to myself and some of the kids noticed and starting trying to do it too. It was really funny.
At Sealdah today, also because of Durga Puja, we gave out more food than usual. We got sixty little personal boxes of potato curry and some kind of Indian bread that I don't know the name of and walked around the station and handed them out with Bengali sweets. We didn't do wound care because it was raining.
Two more volunteers are coming tonight. One is from Canada and the other is from the US. Debbie, the Canadian, came last year and decided to come back again this year and bring Robyn, the American, with her. Tomorrow night a volunteer from Holland arrives. I don't anything about her except that she's from Holland... Jen is leaving tomorrow morning for Hyderbad, where she'll spend a few months doing research.


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