Monday, March 2, 2009

Sealdah on Saturday was fine, fairly regular. After Sealdah, Nienke and I took a cab to Sudder St (the backpacker area of Kolkata) to pick up our train tickets. When Nienke finished volunteering, we're gonna take an overnight train to a beach south of Kolkata. It'll be really fun. Back to the city, and then Nienke will be off on a few weeks of travelling by train.
I took the boys to the Iway for computer class. They e-mailed previous volunteers and looked at wintry photos of my house in the States. Then I showed them Khardah on Google maps. They thought it was so kool.
At craft class we began making little cardboard puppets with moveable limbs. When you pull a string, their arms and legs flail. They're really cute. We'll finish them next week.
After craft, I went over to Bobby's for the first time in a long time. We had tea and talked and she showed me a new sari she'd bought. The design was all hand-stitched embroidery and it was beautiful.

Sealdah was great on Sunday. We brought little gifts for the kids which we handed out with the food. They got to choose between a ring, a badge and a necklace. We also brought jump ropes, which we let the kids play with while we did wound care. We had two single-person ropes and one big one. The kids absolutely loved them! They had never before encountered the big ropes where two people twirl and one or more people jump. It took them awhile to get the hang of it, but they did eventually. One boy in particular was really good. It was so much fun to play with them.
The girls came over for computer class. I had promised Mili that we could listen to Mon Mane Na (a really popular Bengali song) I played it for them, and class quickly dissolved into everyone singing and dancing to Hindi and Bengali music. Nienke got out her camcorder and I took some photos as well. Computer class didn't really happen. But I figure fifteen years from now they won't remember how to do some random thing on a computer, but they will remember that fun day.
For GK we watched the second part of a documentary on the Ganges. We watch it in Bengali with English subtitles. Its a really big hit compared to the lessons we usually do.

Today the girls came over to watch a Bengali movie with our projector. I don't remember the name, but it was really dramatic and crazy. It was extremely amusing, even though I couldn't understand most of what was said.

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