The pictures, from the top are: the lizard in the light switch, Mount Kangchenjunga, kids coloring at Sealdah, me and a few kids at Sealdah, what I saw instead of Mount Everest because it was cloudy, the Japanese Peace Pagoda, and the inside of a gompa.
Sealdah was busy as usual today. Nothing out of the ordinary happened, though it was Anna's last day, so we took an extra-lot of pictures. Cereal and biscuits were on the menu. Babai asked me if I'm married because he saw pictures of me at prom on facebook. Lauren and I tried to explain prom to him, but I'm not if he really got why I was wearing a really nice dress and taking lots of pictures with a boy who wasn't my husband...
The lizard was still in the light switch at school today (and still alive, which was the more surprising part). We unscrewed the cover and tried to get him out. I pulled him from behind because his front is smaller than his back and we thought it'd be easier to get him out that way. So I began pulling and his tail came off!! I dropped it on the ground and it lay there wiggling for a few minutes. Lauren thought he's probably the kind of lizard whose tail comes off if it gets stuck. I didn't know those exist, but that makes sense. Bobby ended up pulling him out the front. I thought we'd go let him outside, but no. She walked up to the roof and chucked him into the little stream that goes by the school. (the one we throw the trash at school into) I thought it was quite cruel, but his arm was broken so he probably wouldn't have survived anyway...
I forgot to mention that yesterday Bobby had a man come to her house to show us salwar kits. Ellenoor bought one and Lauren and I each bought two. The kits have the three pieces of fabric necessary for a salwar in them (one for the tunic, one for the pants, and one for the scarf) later that day we went to the seamstress to get measured for them. They will be ready on Friday. I payed almost exactly $15 for the whole thing: the kits and the tailoring. That's two complete (hand made) outfits for fifteen dollars. Amazing.
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